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Module 3 – Serving Customers with Disabilities

Image of Lubos Novak Insights

Many persons with disabilities remark that customer service is sometimes compromised not because of lack of willingness but rather because service providers often don’t know what to do when asked to use, or to assist with using, assistive devices. The intent of this requirement is to ensure that those in direct contact with persons with disabilities know enough to respond to basic requests, such as using assistive listening devices or assisting with using a stairwell lift.

Remember, you don’t need to become an expert in the use of assistive devices. Do take the time to become familiar with devices that may be available in your unit. Learn the names of those people on campus who have information and knowledge about the devices just in case you need to contact them. These two simple tasks will help significantly towards enhancing accessible customer service for persons with disabilities.

When you think about it, this is not unlike other requirements we have as university representatives, such as acquiring a general awareness of health and safety practices and knowing who serves as our department health and safety representatives.




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