Information Session for TPC Members



This session is intended for University of Ottawa full-time professors (tenured or tenure-track) only, who will participate in a faculty's or an department's Teaching Personnel Committee.

The objective of this session is to emphasize the links between the collective agreement and the review process of dossiers, mainly, those for promotion or tenure, but also those for contract renewal and academic leave.

The session will focus on the role and the responsibilities of TPC members, as well as highlight concrete means to help members them meet their responsibilities. 

Important: In accordance with the collective agreement, this workshop is addressed to TPC members who are either newly appointed or who completed their training prior to September 2020. 

This session will take place online, using Zoom. The link will be emailed to you upon registration. 







Programme de leadership académique
Plus d’information
French version
Séance de formation et d'information CPE
Public cible
  • Regular Academic - APUO
  • Regular Academic - Non APUO
  • Term Academic - APUO
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