Information Session for TPC Members
This session is intended for University of Ottawa full-time professors who will participate in a faculty's or a department's Teaching Personnel Committee.
The objective of this session is to emphasize the links between the collective agreement and the review process of files at the Faculty Teaching Personnel Committee (FTPC) or the Department Teaching Personnel Committee (DTPC). These dossiers primarily relate to promotion or tenure, yet also those for contract renewal and academic leave.
It will be presented by the Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations, Jules Carrière in collaboration with the Associate Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations, Kathryn Prince and by Patrick Desjardins, Grievance Officer (APUO). They will focus on the role and the responsibilities of TPC members, as well as highlight concrete means to help members meet their responsibilities.
Sessions will be offered in bimodal format: in-person (Simard Hall); online (Zoom). More details will be emailed upon registration.
Important notice concerning the audience: In accordance with the collective agreement, this session is addressed to TPC members who are either newly appointed or who have completed their training prior to September 2021.
- Language
- English
- French version
- Séance d'information pour les membres d'un CPE
- Audience
- Regular Academic - APUO
- Regular Academic - Non APUO
- Term Academic - APUO
- Delivery mode
- In class
There is no event or no online module available at this moment.