Workshops in alphabetic order
Managing a Professional Career

Offered by: Altitude

Managing a Professional Career workshop will help you understand what is career management, develop a career plan, and define the right measures required to meet your career plan’s objectives.  

Managing Workplace Anxiety

Offered by: Altitude

Workshop on managing anxiety in the workplace on September 20, 2019 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m

Maximiser sa productivité

Offered by: Altitude

A short description, not more than 120 to 160 characters, for Search engine

Maximizing Personal Productivity

Offered by: Altitude

Maximizing Personal Productivity workshop will show you how to get more done in fewer hours. It offers many practical suggestions on improving your productivity through the optimization of its components.


Offered by: Bibliothèque

Introduction to Mendeley


Offered by: Bibliothèque

Introduction à Mendeley

Mental Health First Aid

Offered by: Leadership, apprentissage et développement organisationnel

The 12 hour workshop will allow employees to acquire the competencies needed to provide mental health first aid.

Mindset - Get out of bed!

Offered by: Altitude

A short description, not more than 120 to 160 characters, for Search engine

Mobilisation des témoins

Offered by: Bureau des droits de la personne

Formation en prévention de la violence sexuelle

Mobilisation des témoins

Offered by: Bureau des droits de la personne

Devenez un témoin actif afin de prévenir la violence sexuelle

Mobilisation des témoins

Offered by: Bureau des droits de la personne

Devenez un témoin actif afin de prévenir la violence sexuelle

Mobilizing the Bystanders

Offered by: Bureau des droits de la personne

Become an active bystander to prevent sexual violence

Mobilizing the Bystanders

Offered by: Bureau des droits de la personne

Become an active bystander to prevent sexual violence