Convergint Technologies



Info Session

You are invited to join Convergint Technologies over the noon hour on Wednesday, October 30th for an Information Session at the University of Ottawa. Come learn about our Colleague Development Program, Grow Your Own Technician program, Co-op job opportunities with us, and much more! Hear about Convergint’s business and our rapid growth, our culture and foundational values and beliefs, our commitment to giving back in the communities in which we operate, opportunities for professional development, and what a day in the life of a Convergint colleague might look like! You will also have the opportunity to meet and network with a Convergint Recruitment Specialist and Operational leaders from the Ottawa area.

Convergint Technologies is a leading, global, service-based systems integrator whose top priority is service in every way – service to our customers, colleagues, and community. Our business focuses on the start-to-finish consultation, design, engineering, installation, commissioning and maintenance of state-of-the-art electronic security, fire life safety, and building automation systems. Delivering value through unparalleled customer service and operational excellence has been foundational to Convergint’s growth and success. Our promise, and our number one objective, is to be our customers’ best service provider.

Find out more at We hope to see you out on October 30th!

Centre de développement de carrière


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  • Employés de l'Université d'Ottawa
  • Étudiant
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