Employee Supervisor Management System (ESMS)



The ESMS is an integrated solution that makes it easier for CAOs, HR generalists and administration officers in designated services and faculties to assign supervisors to employees. The University adopted the ESMS in order to view its employee hierarchy and simplify the procedures used to update it.


By the end of this training, participants will know how to use the various ESMS modules to capture and update the hierarchies in their sector.


Target audience: CAOs, service directors, HR generalists, and administration officers in designated faculties and services

User Guide 

Level 1 User : http://hrdocrh.uottawa.ca/docs/uo-hr-system/prod/systems/en-ca/forms/ecis/level1/esms.pdf (draft)

Level2 User : http://hrdocrh.uottawa.ca/docs/uo-hr-system/prod/systems/en-ca/forms/ecis/level2/esms.pdf (draft)

Leadership, apprentissage et développement organisationnel
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  • Employés de l'Université d'Ottawa
Un superviseur doit approuver votre requête.
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