***CANCELLED*** Conflict Management: Navigating the troubled waters of conflict




Workshops offered by Altitude are reserved exclusively to graduate students, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows. A fee may be charged in case of non-excused absence.

You have probably already found yourself in situations where a conflict has disturbed you, where you hoped for a different outcome. Do you sometimes feel like running away from conflicts, or feel overwhelmed and worried about the consequences?

In our daily lives, social and interpersonal skills are valued and sought after. Conflict resolution is an essential key element of these skills.

This workshop will be useful in your personal, academic, and professional lives.

During this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify different styles and dynamics in dealing with conflicts
  • Learn new strategies and use them wisely
  • Prepare for difficult conversations
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  • Employés de l'Université d'Ottawa
  • Étudiant
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Si vous avez des besoins en matière d’accessibilité, veuillez communiquer avec le service qui offre l’atelier (voir votre invitation pour les coordonnées).

Il n'y a pas d'événement disponible pour l'instant.