Speed dating volunteer experts



Five alumni will share their experiences in their respective disciplines and fields.

Volunteering can help you develop new skills and build networks. But you may wonder though how you can combine volunteering with your studies. Each year, the Michaëlle Jean Centre for Global and Community Engagement oversees 5,000 student placements on campus, in the community, in the Ottawa region and in locations around the world. This networking activity provides undergraduate and graduate students with an opportunity to meet uOttawa alumni who added a great deal of experience to their resumé and broadened their knowledge through community engagement activities during their studies. They’ll talk about the path they’ve travelled and offer advice on how to develop solid professional and personal networks through volunteering. The Centre’s team wil also be available to greet you and provide information on the various programs available through the Centre.

Centre de développement de carrière



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Réseautage " speed dating" avec des professionnels du bénévolat
Public cible
  • Employés de l'Université d'Ottawa
  • Étudiant
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