Funding Application Writing: SSHRC



Are you a first-time SSHRC applicant? Have you applied before without success? Are you looking for ways to improve your grant-writing skills? Then this workshop is for you! Led by an experienced SSHRC scholar, this workshop will provide an overview of the SSHRC program, give tips for selecting strong referees, and share step-by-step strategies for writing the proposal. Participants are encouraged to bring in current or past applications to build on during the workshop, but those who haven't yet applied are also welcome as we will be writing and revising together.

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L’atelier n’est pas offert dans l’autre langue.
Public cible
  • Étudiant
Un superviseur doit approuver votre requête.
Mode de livraison
En classe
Si vous avez des besoins en matière d’accessibilité, veuillez communiquer avec le service qui offre l’atelier (voir votre invitation pour les coordonnées).

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