RF 201 - Financial Planning



This workshop presents the financial planning functions at the University of Ottawa.

It aims to familiarize employees with the budget process and the operations that result from it. Topics covered during the workshop are: governance, fund accounting, operating fund (including budget management and controls), ancillary fund, research and trust fund, endowment fund and capital fund. At the end of the workshop, you will have an overall understanding of financial planning and a better knowledge of the main steps of the budget process.

Audience: New employees who have responsibilities for budget projections; employees who participate in the budget preparation; employees who wish to learn more about financial planning at the University.

Facilitator: Joëlle Clément

Leadership, apprentissage et développement organisationnel (Finance)
Plus d’information
Atelier en français
RF 201 - Planification financière
Public cible
  • Employés de l'Université d'Ottawa
Un superviseur doit approuver votre requête.
Mode de livraison
En classe
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