Accountability: Holding Yourself Others Accountable in the 21st Century | Training workshop for the Leadership Development Program only.



Training session for managers only

This session is designed to shift one’s mindset from traditional accountability to a more humanistic and much more practical view of accountability to meet commitments.

The shift is from a culture of fear and blame to one which is more human and engaging, inspiring a culture where people own their decisions and their actions.

The workshop focuses on self-discovery, reflection, and identifying areas of improvement and is followed by having participants pick one or two areas they would like to focus on and introducing the Habit Builder tool to help them apply their takeaways.

Learning Objectives:

  • Defining Accountability
    1. Official Definition
    2. University of Ottawa Definition (discussion)
    3. Introduce the concept of accountability by connecting at the human level in the 21st Century
  • Future Best Practice
    1. What it looks like
    2. What it doesn’t look like
    3. How the workplace has evolved, how people’s expectations have evolved regarding work
  • Building Trust
    Leadership’s abilities in listening and engaging, instead of telling, by asking powerful questions and providing what they need.
  • Risks
    What are the risks of trusting people and making them accountable?


This workshop will be presented online.
An invitation will be sent to the participants who are already registered.
You must currently hold a supervisory position to attend this workshop

Leadership, Learning and Organizational Development (Finance)
More information

This workshop is bilingual, which means French, English or both languages will be used, depending the preference of the participants.

Therefore, you must be able to understand and follow instructions in both official languages.

You may ask questions in your language of choice and will be answered in that language.

  • University of Ottawa's employee
Delivery mode
In class
If you have any accessibility needs, please contact the service offering the workshop as soon as possible so we can ensure your accessibility needs are met (see your invitation for contact information

There is no event or no online module available at this moment.