Teamwork and Collaboration



Explore how to better work in a team and increase collaboration.

In this talk we will discuss the importance of teamwork to organizational goal accomplishment and the challenges that team members can face.  By exploring the different types of conflict that can happen in teams, we will aim to distinguish between conflict that can help improve team effectives from conflict that is toxic to a team.  We will also discuss two important practical means of becoming more effective team members.  First, we will focus on personality and self-awareness, including discussion of an online tool that can help toward this end.  Secondly, we will discuss the important role of feedback – both for seeking feedback about oneself, as well as the skill of providing constructive feedback to team members.

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Alternate version
This workshop is not offered in the other official language at this time.
  • University of Ottawa's employee
  • Student
Delivery mode
In class
If you have any accessibility needs, please contact the service offering the workshop as soon as possible so we can ensure your accessibility needs are met (see your invitation for contact information

There is no event or no online module available at this moment.