Créer son profil de recherche en ligne 



*Nos services sont offerts aux professeures et professeurs permanents ou sur la voie de la permanence seulement

Avec tant d'opinions disponibles pour établir votre présence de recherche en ligne, il est difficile de déterminer lesquelles répondront le mieux à vos besoin tout en vous aidant à accroître votre portée et votre visibilité. Cet atelier présentera les avantages et les inconvénients de divers outils en ligne qui peuvent vous aider à établir votre profil de recherche, comme Google Scholar, les identificateurs ORCID et et ResearchGate. 


*Our services are offered to University of Ottawa full-time professors (tenure or tenure-track) only.

With so many options available for establishing your research presence online, it is difficult to determine which ones will best meet your needs while helping you increase your research and visibility. This workshop will present the pros and cons opf various online tools that can help you establish your research profile such as Google Scholar, ORCID identifiers, and and ResearchGate. 

Academic Leadership Program
More information

This workshop is bilingual, which means French, English or both languages will be used, depending the preference of the participants.

Therefore, you must be able to understand and follow instructions in both official languages.

You may ask questions in your language of choice and will be answered in that language.

  • Regular Academic - APUO
  • Regular Academic - Non APUO
  • Term Academic - APUO
  • Librarians APUO (Reg)
Delivery mode
In class
If you have any accessibility needs, please contact the service offering the workshop as soon as possible so we can ensure your accessibility needs are met (see your invitation for contact information

There is no event or no online module available at this moment.