MBTI in a Context of Teamwork and Communication 



Identifying Personality Type

*In English only at this time

Workshops offered by Altitude are reserved exclusively to graduate students, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows. A fee may be charged in case of non-excused absence.

This workshop will help participants identify their MBTI Personality Type and learn about their strengths and potential blind spots by providing practical examples and activities. Knowledge of other styles of communication and patterns of behaviour can also provide valuable insight into preferences, team dynamics and relationships. In order to maximize time participants will have to complete the MBTI assessment before participating in the workshop. Please contact the Career Development Centre for further information.

More information
Alternate version
This workshop is not offered in the other official language at this time.
  • University of Ottawa's employee
  • Student
Delivery mode
In class
If you have any accessibility needs, please contact the service offering the workshop as soon as possible so we can ensure your accessibility needs are met (see your invitation for contact information

There is no event or no online module available at this moment.