Career Planning Support Workshop



This session is intended for University of Ottawa full-time professors (tenured or tenure-track) 

In a world of continuous change, it is important to take some time to analyze what you seek to achieve through your academic career. We invite you to invest 90 minutes of your time to refresh your perspective on how to achieve your goals while finding balance between teaching, research, and university service.

Emeritus professor Pierre Trudel will guide a group reflection on the opportunities and challenges that the university environment presents. You’ll leave motivated to focus on your academic career planning.

Audience: Full-time professors (tenured and tenure-track faculty)

Format: In-person

Place: Desmarais Building, 8th floor, room 8161

Date: October 19, 2023

Time: 13:00 to 14:30


20 spaces available. Snacks will be offered. Please bring your own drink.

Note: Assistant and Associate professors who participate at this workshop will be given priority to register for the Coaching Support for Early Career Professors (with or without tenure), which consists of three individual sessions. 

Programme de leadership académique
Plus d’information
French version
Atelier : Être accompagné(e) pour planifier sa carrière
Public cible
  • Association des professeur(e)s de l’Université d’Ottawa
Mode de livraison
En classe
Si vous avez des besoins en matière d’accessibilité, veuillez communiquer avec le service qui offre l’atelier (voir votre invitation pour les coordonnées).

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