Human Library - Human Rights Office



Meeting with a team member of the Human Rights Office, Klehr D'Souza, Human Rights Officer

Event description

Are you interested in working in the field of human rights and EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion)? If yes, welcome to our human library! Learn more about accessibility, prevention of sexual violence, prevention of harassment, discrimination, equity, diversity and more.

Spend time asking anything you’d like to ask of Human Rights and EDI professionals here at uOttawa. You can sign up to speak to as many professionals as you’d like, in group settings. This human library is a collaboration between the Library and the Human Rights Office.

Biography of Klehr D'Souza

Klehr D’souza, MACP, is a Registered Psychotherapist, who has been working at the University of Ottawa's Human Rights Office since September 2020 as a Sexual

Violence Prevention and Dispute Resolution Officer. Prior to this role, Klehr has worked with several organisations, such as the Ottawa Rape Crisis Center, as a counsellor and consultant at the intersection of sexual violence and cultural competency.

March 15, 2023, 2 pm - 3 pm. Virtual meeting, bilingual, a link MS Teams will be sending the day before the event.

Bureau des droits de la personne
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Bibliothèque vivante - Bureau des droits de la personne
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  • Employés de l'Université d'Ottawa
  • Étudiant
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