Building Resilience in Uncertain Times



Pre-recorded session viewable at all times

Sudden traumatic events—like a natural disaster or wartime conflict—are often overwhelming and disruptive. To provide additional support to you and your employees, LifeWorks Learning is happy to share with you the webinar Building Resilience in Uncertain Times. Viewable at all times, this free pre-recorded session will review how feeling like having little or no control on difficult events is normal, and how coping mechanisms can help manage these stressful situations.

In addition to this complimentary webinar, LifeWorks Learning has curated a collection of trainings that contribute to building the resiliency and coping skills of those affected directly or indirectly.

Leadership, apprentissage et développement organisationnel (Finance)
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French version
Renforcer la résilience en période d'incertitude
Public cible
  • Employés de l'Université d'Ottawa
Mode de livraison
En classe
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