Visitor and Volunteer Health and Safety Awareness



Welcome to the uOttawa Visitor and Volunteer Orientation Safety Training! This short training will help visitors learn more about health and safety related practices at uOttawa. These are things you need to know and understand so that you can be safe at work today and every day.

Everyone in the workplace has different but important duties to keep the workplace safe. Employers have the most authority in the workplace therefore they have the greatest responsibility. Your supervisor also has authority and responsibility. As a visitor / volunteer at uOttawa, it’s important for you to understand everyone’s health and safety duties, most importantly, yours.

Preventing injuries and illnesses at work starts with you and with the things you learn in this orientation training, but it doesn’t end here. What you learn will help during your time at uOttawa. You'll see that there are several resources to help you too!

Bureau de la dirigeante principale de la gestion des risques
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Sensibilisation des visiteurs et bénévoles à la santé et à la sécurité
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