Cultivating your Professional Reputation – Advanced Networking for Grads



Workshops offered by Altitude are reserved exclusively to graduate students , doctoral and postdoctoral fellows . A fee may be charged in case of non-excused absence .

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“Cultivating your Professional Reputation” is an interactive session which assists Graduate students with prior professional experience. It is a consultative clinic, fostering discussion, problem solving, and the sharing of strategies for career networking. Attendees are encouraged to discuss the challenges they have faced in finding employment in their fields of study, with a view to identifying new, more productive approaches in their job search.

Target Audience: Graduate students with prior experience in networking at a professional level.

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L’atelier n’est pas offert dans l’autre langue.
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  • Étudiant
Un superviseur doit approuver votre requête.
Mode de livraison
En classe
Si vous avez des besoins en matière d’accessibilité, veuillez communiquer avec le service qui offre l’atelier (voir votre invitation pour les coordonnées).

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