Leveraging an E-Portfolio for the Career-Minded Graduate



Workshops offered by Altitude are reserved exclusively to graduate students , doctoral and postdoctoral fellows . A fee may be charged in case of non-excused absence .

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“Googling” applicants is becoming an established practice among more and more employers as a means to determine whether candidates are a good fit. Thus it is important to build a strong online profile that gives employers an in-depth look at your qualifications.

In this hands-on workshop, participants will be taken step-by-step through the process of building an e-portfolio using a WordPress template. We will examine different design layouts, sink our teeth into content development, and explore creative digital strategies to highlight your professional training and academic accomplishments.

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L’atelier n’est pas offert dans l’autre langue.
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  • Étudiant
Un superviseur doit approuver votre requête.
Mode de livraison
En classe
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Il n'y a pas d'événement disponible pour l'instant.