RF 201 - Payroll



This workshop presents an introduction to the payroll process at the University of Ottawa.

This workshop presents an introduction to the payroll process at the University of Ottawa.

The focus of the workshop is to familiarize employees with the main payroll activities and procedures. Topics covered during the workshop are: roles and responsibilities, payroll calendar, main payroll forms, deposits, payment of professional fees, payment in foreign currencies, and fiscal impacts. This workshop will allow you to have a better understanding of the various steps in the payroll process. You will know where to find useful tools on the Financial Resources Web site and who to contact for assistance when required.

Audience: New employees who have payroll responsibilities; employees who wish to learn more about the payroll process at the University.


  • This is a virtual session
  • An invitation will be sent to the registered participants
Leadership, apprentissage et développement organisationnel (Finance)
Plus d’information
French version
RF 201 - Paye
Public cible
  • Employés de l'Université d'Ottawa
Un superviseur doit approuver votre requête.
Mode de livraison
En classe
Si vous avez des besoins en matière d’accessibilité, veuillez communiquer avec le service qui offre l’atelier (voir votre invitation pour les coordonnées).

Il n'y a pas d'événement disponible pour l'instant.