Utiliser des approches de coaching pour mieux gérer son équipe - Gestionnaire coach | Use coaching skills to better lead your team - Manager Coach



Session de formation pour les managers uniquement | Training session for managers only

Il est démontré que les gestionnaires utilisant une approche de coaching obtiennent de meilleurs résultats et parviennent à maximiser l'engagement de leurs employés.

Mais qu'est-ce que cela inclut et comment le faire dans votre travail quotidien?

Dans cet atelier informatif et participatif, vous aurez l'occasion de :

  • apprendre quand utiliser une approche de coaching ;
  • découvrir et mettre en pratique certaines compétences essentielles du coaching, telles que l'écoute active et le questionnement;
  • mener une conversation de coaching en utilisant le modèle GROW

Venez apprendre avec vos pairs comment intégrer une approche de coaching dans votre style de management.


1. Une invitation sera envoyée aux participants qui sont déjà inscrits.
2. Vous devez actuellement occuper un poste de gestionnaire pour participer à cet

Research shows that using a coaching approach as a manager can help you deliver the best results and maximize employees’ engagement. But what does it mean and how do it in your everyday job?

In this informative and highly participative workshop, you will have the opportunity to:

  • learn when to use a coaching approach;
  • discover and practice some essential coaching skills, such as active listening and questioning.
  • conduct a coaching conversation using the GROW model

Come and learn with your peers how to incorporate a coaching approach in your management style moving


  1. This workshop will be presented in room TBT012A
  2. An invitation will be sent to the participants who are already registered.
  3. You must currently hold a supervisory position to attend this workshop.
Leadership, Learning and Organizational Development



More information

This workshop is bilingual, which means French, English or both languages will be used, depending the preference of the participants.

Therefore, you must be able to understand and follow instructions in both official languages.

You may ask questions in your language of choice and will be answered in that language.

  • University of Ottawa's employee
Your request must be approved by a supervisor.
Delivery mode
In class
If you have any accessibility needs, please contact the service offering the workshop as soon as possible so we can ensure your accessibility needs are met (see your invitation for contact information

There is no event or no online module available at this moment.